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Well my name is Alexandria but my friends call me Alexx

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Unit 6:Is War Ever Necessary?

Im not really sure but i think that war isn't really necessary War is seen by most as a measure that should only be used if there is no other alternative. But Some people would argue that war should be an offensive strategy because if we perceive a country as a threat, we should be able to fight them. And the others point out that war should never be used Only diplomatic resolutions should be used. But no matter what my opinion may have on the issue, it seems that war is inevitable is our world. Throughout the history of the human race there has been differences and failure to cooperate with people in the society.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

UNIT 5 -How did the Age of Revolutions shape the world that we live in?

I would say that the age of revolution had a greater impact on American Revolution because of the way it shaped the world we live in today. Because The Americans showed that it was possible for the people to overtake a monarchy. But of course, the French fell victim to their own revolution as did the English and both restored monarchical-type rulers. The American Revolution remains singular in that it didn't fall into the hands of a dictator or a tyrant and a monarch.

Monday, October 5, 2009

Discovering the Undiscovered- Would you go?

Well discovering the undiscovered It is the year 2025 would you go Deep Sea Diving?

Well personally i wouldnt't go because do the fact there's sharks and different types of species in the Sea. And i wouldn't mind taking the chance to discover what's going on in the Deep sea far as different species. I also think it's my duty to see what's going on so that i can inform all citizens what's happening to the Sea. An i also think everyone around the world would be happy with my discovery's. Most people may think im crazy for taking this dangerous experience with all the sharks and sting rays in the water. But it's a risk im willing to take just to find out what's going on. It would also be nice to be the person that come's back to tell people all of the great finding's in the water.
